
Sandy Halteman, Board Member
Sandy Halteman
VP of Membership
Term Expires October 2021
4231 NE 651st Rd
Osceola, MO 64776
Phone: 417.646.5568
Email Sandy Halteman

Southern Council Clubs are asked to send their entire roster annually to VP Membership who forwards the lists to Managing Director in a timely manner for updating of database. Clubs should include their dues and a list of officers for the current term. Clubs should send new members' name and address changes that occur during the year directly to Managing Director for inclusion in database. Managing Director will annually purge names of individuals who are no longer club members or members in good standing.

If you are a member of an FFI Affiliate Club or Charter Club, please indicate your primary club affiliation field on the FFI membership form. Your club gets incentives for new members and it is important FFI have that information. If there is no local club affiliate or charter club near your location, you can become a member-at-large. Either way you can join FFI by visiting and completing forms found at the following URL:

FFI Membership Incentives

Receive Merchandise for New Members!

Our Member Incentive Program provides a resource to councils and clubs to obtain merchandise for educational activities, fundraisers and membership recognition. It expands the product line (not just rods anymore) that clubs and councils can choose from as an incentive for recruiting new members and retaining existing members to FFI.

For every 12 new FFI members your club recruits, your club receives $75 towards the purchase of merchandise in our Industry Partner Program.  Our industry leading partners provide product discounts for club fundraisers, educational events, member recruitment and encouragement in local projects.