
Charles Frank, Board Member
Charles Frank
VP of Education (AR)
Term Expires October 2021
1310 Reynolds St.
Clarksville, AR 82830
Home: 479.746.1672
Arkansas Fly Fishers
Email Charles Frank

Education Effort Reporting

For the those clubs or individuals who may be ignorant (uninformed) regarding reporting education efforts for your club, please contact the VP of Education to find out how he wants your information. The former database tool has been dropped due to its lack of use. By providing your local information, the data can be shared on a club-, state-, region-, or council-wide basis. When data is not shared, it presents a problem for reporting Southern Council activities. If little or no data is reported, inadequate data comes out. We know that education efforts are being made in the Southern Council. We just want your help documenting those efforts.

If you are an educator, please take time to find out and establish your club's reports with the VP of Education.

Fly Fishing Equipment Available

A collection of flyrods and reels are available. 14 fly tying vices, tools, and materials are available. These can be used by Southern Council clubs for teaching flyfishing or flytying. Contact Pat Smith for more information.

Wayne E & Catherine Moore Youth Fund

I would like to be sure that all clubs are aware of the Wayne E. Moore memorial funds that are available for youth days. I never met Mr. Moore, but I am told that he was an avid fly fisherman, a long-standing member of the Southern Council, and a person who was deeply interested in youngsters. When this gentleman died, he left a legacy to the Southern Council with the funds to be used to defray the costs of clubs conducting Youth Days or Youth Outings. To qualify for these funds, a club must designate the youth day or outing as a Wayne E. & Catherine Moore Youth Day.


Wayne E & Catherine Moore Youth Fund Application [PDF format]

Wayne E & Catherine Moore Youth Fund Application [MS Word format]

It would be appropriate to advertise the youth day in your club newsletter as a Wayne E. & Catherine Moore Youth Day, and, at some point during the day or outing, briefly discuss who Wayne E. Moore was and that the funds were supplied as a result of his concern and generosity. These funds have traditionally been used to buy hot-dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, etc., for the Youth Day. If your club is interested in conducting a Wayne E & Catherine Moore Youth Day, please supply me with a brief letter outlining what your plans are, and designate how much money you are requesting, and how it will be spent.